AGM 2013.
The meeting was held on the evening of Wednesday 31st July 2013 at Concordia
Those present were Ian McAllister, Margaret Benn, Roland Smith, Derek Railston and Sally Faulkener.
Apologies were received from Lesley Old.
The minutes from last years AGM were read and agreed.
The Secretary’s report was read and discussed. The report reflected on a
steady year once again with one or two new members joining the club.
Squash England situation highlighted last year has now been fully resolved,
unfortunately we are stuck with the silly situation of their fees due in June of
each year while our membership is unknown until August of that year, August
being the beginning of the squash season. (£7.50 per member totalling £382.50,
no small amount)
Concordia Admin’ have an updated list of our membership
which in turn is forwarded to Squash England.
It was agreed that a sub-group
would lobby Concordia management in an effort to introduce squash coaching to
the centre, Ian McAllister to pursue his coaching badges if it was a worthwhile
Roland reported that the website and leagues were running well however one
issue had come to notice, that of being a member of the centre alongside our
club membership.
It was agreed that all our members will be asked to join the
centre as it is unfair for non centre members to expect others to book all the
courts as is happening on occasions.
The leagues and website were running
well. On behalf of the club Ian thanked Roland for another years efforts and a
faultless system praised by many in the club.
Last years fees paid to Squash England were confirmed. (Later brought up in
the Treasurer’s report.)
The introduction of a third men’s team was discussed. No one had any
comment on the change of men’s team game starting time, i.e. from 7.20pm to
6.40pm to alleviate the problems with the 10pm bar closure.
The two main competitions will remain in their present format including free
entry. Any mini league handicap will demand an entry fee. (£3 per man covered
the costs last time out)
Margaret presented the balance sheet for the last financial year. In brief
the club has spent more than the income generated with a closing balance of
£1,695.43, a net loss of £549.82.
With that in mind, along with rising court
costs and the additional men’s team, the club joining fee is to go up by
£5 to £25.
Team fees will stay as they are; £6 per man per match.
is anticipated that the team game meal costs will not increase. Should there be
an unexpected rise then the team fees may be revised.
Margaret announced that she wished to stand down from her role as Treasurer.
Having not played squash for the last 6 years or so and pursued her new sporting
interest in golf her efforts are very much appreciated. Ian offered a huge thank
you for her support, guidance and enthusiasm in keeping us on the straight and
It was accepted that with little or no interest from any other club members
in joining the committee, the roles within that committee would have to be
rearranged between ourselves. The following officials were elected.
Roland Smith (still league
Ian McAllister (still competition
Sally Faulkener
No representative from the teams were present but it was agreed that Tony
Hedley would adopt the role of club captain and first team captain.